$747.00 USD

Month to Month Guidance with Safrianna

Month to Month Guidance with Safrianna

If you're looking for a guiding support and cheerleader, Safrianna is here for you! This month to month package is for people who either: 

1) Have already completed SOUL SUGAR and want ongoing support
2) Are looking for a guide/coach to navigate a present life issue while feeling well supported

Note that month to month guidance does not provide the same depth of personal development work as SOUL SUGAR

Each month you are enrolled, you can book t
wo 50-minute 1-on-1 sessions that can be used however the client wishes (spiritual guidance, coaching, energy work, etc) ($250 each when purchased individually.

You also have access to your own Private Pocket Safrianna (Ongoing Guidance via Discord, Telegram, or Voxer) ($495 value)