$207.00 USD

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Living LUNA Zine (Four Page)

Four Pages to work with!

Each page can fit:

  • 1 Large Image + Description, or up to 4 small images with an artist credit. 
  • A poem of about 250 words, depending on the format. 
  • An article/prose piece of about 400 words or less. 

Ideas for a 4-page spread include:

  • An Art gallery: 4 Large Images or smaller images  + Descriptions and text bars (~200 words or so each page). 
  • Combination of images + text, up to 1500 words  (Short story, article, prose piece). 

Examples of Submissions in This Theme Include:

  • A short story about a queer awakening.
  • An art piece about the awakening of inner awareness and the intersection between body, emotion, mind, and spirit.
  • A boudoir shoot which represents the awakening of my self-love in my natural and energetically aligned form, outside of worrying about being for the gaze of the patriarchy.
  • Awakening the voice article talking about my experience with Facebook.

I like the theme of each issue to be interpreted by the artist, writer, creative, and/or visionary. Ultimately, my vision is for this Zine to be in the vein of thought leadership, expansion, pleasure, activism, self-liberation, sovereignty, self-ownership, and awareness with an Uplifting and inspiring tone.