Safrianna: Hello, we are here again for another episode of living Luna and this one's extra special because it is our first one with guests.
Ikenna: Holy crap.
Safrianna: So that is really freaking awesome. And not only are they guests, but we are being joined by the CEOs of, and co-founders of the body of nine system, which is just
an incredible system for learning about yourself and being able to tune into your physical body, which is something that as holistic practitioners, we're very passionate about. So we are so blessed to be joined by Susan and Martin today. And we're gonna have a blog post and everything for you to learn all kinds of cool stuff about them, but let's go ahead and bring them in and hear more from them.
Ikenna: Boop.
Safrianna: So welcome.
Martin: So glad to have your first, we're very honored. And so we appreciate that and we appreciate you guys having fun conversations.
Susan: And who knew that your first, your first, uh, uh, video podcast would have a dogie in it?
Ikenna: it was so cute.
Safrianna: Yeah. So please introduce yourselves as well as introduce us to your furry friend.
Susan: Yes, go ahead. I'm Susan Fisher and I, uh, let's see anything relevant. Yes, we, uh, Martin and I co founded body of nine together and we work together. One of the reasons we're able to work together very closely as a bonded couple as well is because we understand the work that we do, and we actually implement it on a day to day basis within our own relationship within our work relationships.
and our family relationships and even with our doggie!
Martin: Yes. Yeah.
Our background is both in high tech. Both of us met. We met each other in, uh, California in the early nineties, but didn't actually get together as a couple until 2007, but we lived in the bay area, San Francisco area for about 30 years and obviously Yahoo.
I was at Oracle and Susan sun and various other high tech places. And so we eventually moved to Bozeman in 2015, but our background in, you know, and when we have the conversation about body of nine, I just want to reassure people that we have a very high tech background. We're not, um, what we'll be talking about may sound kind of
'woo woo' but is very, very body based, which is why's part of the exciting part of this for us is that we are talking about helping the world, understand our bodies better and use our bodies as a source.
Susan: Yes, it's body based, but it's also grounded in scientific observation. That's where we can, where it came from working with 8,000 people in person from around the world.
Martin: And so, and this young lady here is Phoebe Phoebe. She's getting on for four and a half months old. She basically chose us. We didn't plan on having a dog, but, uh, one,
Susan: we had a promise to each other. If either one of us asked to get a dog, we, we would remind the other that we, the answer is always no
Martin: and here we're shows how well that works.
Susan: No cat yet though.
Martin: No, we're not doing that.
Safrianna: Just you wait. So, you know, I'm so glad you brought up the part about the scientific aspect of it, because I remember my mom. I love her to death, but she can be a huge skeptic about things and like, oh my gosh, are you being taken advantage of? And she's like, what are their backgrounds?
What is, I was like, these people, like just the confidence that you have in delivering your materials, you know your stuff like you have worked with over 8,000 people, you have written all of this information down. Like, how did this start? The sort of scientific aspect of getting into.
Susan: Well, the irony is it started at burning man.
And if you know what burning man is, it's a giant festival in the desert. And I had been working. I found out my natural number in 2002 and then Martin and I, I, he was the first person I actually identified on my own with no supervision from the people I was, uh, learning this from. And that was 2007. It took us five more years.
And finally, in 2012, we went off to burning man with. and decided to offer this as our gift, the, the identification. And so the first year it started with 50, 60 people just wandering into our camp and me saying, Hey, you wanna know your superpower? And they're like, yeah, sure. So that was our first real, I, you know, ironically scientific, uh, our first case studies, uh, into how do you, uh, recognize the physiologies in the world?
And then each year we had doubled the number of people. Five years until last year we had over a thousand people, uh, come through the tent in nine days. And what you get when you get that level of, of exposure to people, when you're trying to actually understand them, and you have a basic system is such repeatability of micro movement.
Like every seven in the world stands up onto my mat in a very specific way. Um, you know, every nine in the world has softness in the outside cheeks and flatness across the top of the chest. So I got to see the consistency of the physiologies, so that allowed us to narrow it down to muscles and bones and regions in the body where the activations happen.
And it was just such a hotbed of people from all over the world. So we learned that it crosses culture crosses race crosses is more, you have more in common with someone that you share a natural number with than anybody in your family. mm-hmm or, you know, most of the people that you work with.
Martin: So while we work as a pair and part of the growth into this business was learning how to be together and work.
In something that is actually kind of intense at times and delivering the best possible experience to the people
Susan: you haven't seen it yeah. ,
Martin: deliver the best possible experience. So while Susan was working physically after Susan and I worked together to identify, I would talk to and listen, mostly listen to the 8,000 people and we could determine what was common
for each of the natural numbers. And I would go in our test and say, well, other people have told us this, does this resonate? Some people would be like, uh, no. And so other people were like, how do you know that about myself? And so after doing this, and we jokingly say, we're gonna be 10 years to an overnight success, and this is year 10, but the ability to listen to other people and observe, because we didn't discover this stuff, we just brought it back out.
We were observers and we were repeaters and we listened and listening is so important in everything that we do. But at the same time, we were also researching a bit about the past. Did this magically suddenly appear in, you know, 1990 or something? And the answer is no, you know, the Egyptians knew about this BC 3,500, the Chinese knew about it.
The Indian continent still covers it. So all we did was take the history of the past that got bought, bought back to the Western world. Boy chief in the 19 hundreds became the enneagram the people that taught Susan realized that there was a physical component relationship between enneatype. As they called it and what became body of nine natural numbers.
And so we took the idea and refined it because Susan was taught how to activate all nine in the body and some idea about where they were. Not, you know, fairly accurate
Susan: in the beginning, it was the thought that they were points. Yeah. Um, there may be a central point to each one, but there's absolutely a set of muscles and bones and facia that are involved in activating each one of them.
And they're quite different.
Martin: As far as we know, nobody else in the world was aware of this physicality, what bones and muscles. We talk to doctors, we talk to physical therapists. We talk to people that are body, body workers all the time. And there's a resonance. There's an understanding of people sort of.
We tweak what we tell them, but no one's ever said no, no, this you're not moving from here. You're moving from down here somewhere. So we do a lot of work in terms of the body stuff with people, the people we work with, it's always about, we start with the body. Because if you're gonna start, you can't start with woo woo because people get in their heads.
and it's not really woowoo.
Susan: No, it's not really. It's not woo. It's a reality of our physical experience of life. There. Nine ways in which people can, uh, I just we're, we, we ride our bikes frequently and often when I'm riding my bicycle, I'll just get something. And today it was like, oh, it's your physical, extra sense of perception.
As a way of describing this. Yeah. You know, we have our basic senses, but the way they work and the way they come together and the way our bodies use them are actually somewhat different and they give us something that's more than just our physical sense.
Martin: So if I may just step out back a second here, there's probably lot of people saying, what the hell are they talking about?
so, as a quick overview, my natural number is five. And part of that is giving context. So let me explain the context for our listerners
Safrianna: love the context there.
Martin: So there are nine centers in our body and we can identify the muscles and the bones and the fascia that make up those nine centers. One of those nine centers is determined and what we call activated or is active before that.
People that have had babies know that the way the babies move around the wound is different. So as soon as the baby's born, we can look at them and see how they move and say, this is the natural number for this baby. So there's no question involved. It's all about movement and how you grow
Susan: and the structure
Martin: and the structure
Susan: and the muscle hold of the face.
Martin: Yeah. How you grow, how you move,
Susan: how you use your eyes
Martin: and how is the way that we can start to determine someone's what we call natural number. your natural number, determines your physical, spiritual relationship and data based as in how you process data reality, it is your nature. It defines, as we said, burning man, your superpower, you have superpowers, you have magic
Susan: or your natural extrasensory
Martin: Yes, exactly. What is your natural purpose? And most of us, or some of us, at least the lucky enough to have found a purpose in life that matches our natural.
Susan: Or at least is supported by it. Yeah.
Martin: Yeah. And so this alone would be kind of interesting, but what makes it fascinating and vital to humanity is that the numbers don't repeat in families
Safrianna: that has always fascinated me with this system.
And how did you figure that out? Cuz I've been trying to figure out what in the world. Some of my family members could be. And like, I have no idea yet. Cause I don't, I don't
Susan: Thye are the hardest ones to figure out
Martin: you're making some extra hints when you come. Cause you're coming over September. So that'll be fine.
Yeah. So you'll get some training in how to do some of those things, at least a little way. So we figured it out by literally looking at the data we realized after a couple of years that the numbers didn't repeat and we thought this is strange. How can this possibly be? So we kept digging and we found that even if families of nine people.
Two parents and seven kids. The numbers don't repeat eighth child is always the same as one of the parents. The ninth child is always the same as the, the other. goes, and there's a tiny chance that after the 10th, they start to repeat, which is fascinating. We have no idea wild.
Susan: And so we'll repeat in the order of which they started, came in the first place we, we, we just found a family with 13 kids and two parents.
We're hoping that they'll let us work with them. We don't run into families that large very often. So our sample size is tiny, but
Martin: so, um, so what this leads to though is, and things that we sort of don't always dig into is that the numbers mean things. We have no idea how the numbers got assign. But we do know there's a lot of, lot of numerology and there's a lot of data about how the numbers work together.
What numbers work well together, what numbers don't work as well together? Well, everybody can work with anybody. We're not saying there are some that are very rare.
Susan: Some that are easier than others slightly, but, but numbers, two combination of, of natural numbers can create something special. Or three. Yeah.
Martin: So, and one of the things that we've, we've assumed, and I think the data shows is that we are, we are attracted to people or attracted to natural numbers that we know. So if we're lucky enough to have loving parents and we meet someone that has a natural number, like one of our parents, we recognize that love, we recognize that affection and we could be attracted to it.
And the alternatives also true. If you go to school and you were beaten up by bully, and someone of that natural number may propel you going forward. So we given that 80 plus percent, 50 to 80, depending on who you believe about communication is body based. And we have nine different ways our bodies communicate.
The rest is tone and each natural number has a different tone and the rest are words. And what the words mean. Different for each natural number
Susan: right so there are different
nine different ways of, of using the same words, nine different definitions to us, a lot of words,
Martin: this explains most of the unhappiness of the human ways.
And now that's a big statement, but we really believe that understanding that people are fundamentally different in nine ways helps the world move most, move more smoothly. We use it, our relationship, we move, use it in our business and it's, it's really fundamental and it brings us hope for humanity. Mm.
Ikenna: Yeah. I mean, we're just laughing because you know, you, you already told us our natural numbers a couple months ago. So like, whenever you're talking about how it affects your relationship and your business, like we're also, you know, living that yeah. We're business owners together. Uh, you're a natural number nine and I'm a natural number one.
And it's like, The awareness that you provided us regarding our natural numbers has allowed us to be more, um, just cognizant of how we interact with each other and how we can, uh, provide for the business. And our relationship in different ways based of how our natural numbers work. So,
Safrianna: yeah, it's really invited a lot of authenticity into both of us, which I mean, living Luna authenticity is in our acronym because that's like a huge part of our platform.
And so this system really helped us with our authenticity. I know it's, it's helped me lean into the bigger picture and the, how everything interconnects and how I can pull different people together to do different projects is kind of a big way that that works as the cuz I'm technically the CEO though, as an LLC, I don't think we get to use CEO, but I'm gonna claim it anyway.
Good. Um, and like for you, you've really been leaning into like making very vulnerable tiktoks about, uh, you know, accepting people and that people aren't gonna get it perfect. But if they're trying, like that's that's okay. And I feel like that fits us in our numbers so well,
Susan: very much that's yeah. Yeah. It's almost a part.
Both of those things are part of the definition of national number nine and national number one mm-hmm so it's, uh, that's the beautiful thing. What it does is, as you say, gives you a deep acknowledgement of that part of you. It's always been easy. It's there it's available for you at any time. Mm-hmm and it's what you care about.
Martin: Yeah. And, but other people around you make it not so easy. Mm-hmm
Susan: so our nurture layers on top and often hides us from this nature. Mm-hmm . Yeah.
Ikenna: So I feel like the body of mind definitely. As soon as it, it immediately makes you feel seen and, and understood which, you know, with the fact that in, you know, the first 18 years of our lives, uh, or longer like we're in an environment where no one else shares that number in our immediate family, um, we can struggle to feel understood and seen by them.
Uh, especially if they're either not cognizant of how different people can be, cuz oftentimes in, in the past, especially parents expect little minimes. Um, and so if they aren't, if, if the children aren't, you know, a representation of mom and dad in like this, uh, or you know, mom and mom, or, you know, however the parenting works, but if they're not like a.
Um, some sort of like mirror image in terms of what they like, what they dislike, how they, you know, express themselves, that sort of thing, their worldview, um, then. I've heard from different parents that they, that, you know, they feel like they, they failed as parents and it's like, that's not how parenting works
Susan: and, and then, and then they are, what, what they really have is the power to wreck their children.
Yep. And I, you know, I, my mother says, so don't say things like that. But it's true. If you, you can inadvertently cause harm to your children. When you look at them through the lens of, of yourself, your, of your belief systems, your natural number, when you make up what their behavior means. And that's where we really run into so much problems.
It's like, oh my God, there is something wrong with my child because they won't do blah, right? Yep. The way I want them to do it. And that, that desire to control and shape is what creates people who don't feel seeing connected or heard. We, we are weird enough as it is as humans.
Safrianna: and we're all weird too. Yeah.
Susan: Well, if you layer this lack of understanding that there's nine physiologically different kinds of people, and you don't tell people about this, which is basically what's going on in the world. Yep. We, there are nine kinds of people and we don't tell people about this and that's that's you know, and right there alone, a huge, huge,
Martin: and, and there's, there's other parts because I tend to believe that the universe has kind of a, a one sense of humor.
And one of the things we do see is that the numbers tend to repeat across grandparents. To the first borns to the first borns. So as it turns out, your parents think, well, I was raised this way. I don't wanna raise my children that way, but as it turns out, that's actually probably how I would like to be raised because
Susan: it's one of those ironies is yes, exactly.
Safrianna: I'm really curious if you have ever. Have you ever had somebody bring to you like a photo of a grandparent that's passed on of their face to, to try to maybe guess at how they would identify
Susan: if the photos aren't too old, obviously old photos make it so difficult. Quality of the photo is the difference, but we have had a lot of multigenerational families.
I mean, for example, in my family, my father was an eight. My mother is an, is a one. My first born is an eight. My sister's first born was an eight. Her, her second born was a. I married a one. This is not Martin, who is the father of my children. So that number was already repeated. So we went on into a different sequence.
Mm-hmm but if you look at like, my grandfather on my mother's side was a four, my sister's a four. My grandfather on my a father's side was a six I'm, a six, my grandmother on, uh, uh, I don't know what my grandmother on my dad's side was probably a one though, because might be married a one.
Martin: And, and one of the things we do see is that, and Susan and I, this is our third and final marriage for both of us.
Ikenna: final.
Martin: We do see that people marry and you know, it's a joke, but it's also real people tend to marry people like their parents because
Susan: of the natural number of the natural number. That's, that's actually what they're doing.
Martin: Yeah. And so if you are having, if you want to heal the relationship with your parents and you're trying to do it with your.
That's one of the reasons that, you know, I think a lot of people's relationships don't work the first time,
Susan: especially the first ones. Yeah. Because we go with attraction when we're younger and then later in life in our thirties and forties, if we end up, you know, having that first relationship from our twenties, not work out, which is, you know, 50% of the time.
Right. So, uh, what that means, if you don't know that this is going on, you can really put a lot of pressure on your spouse in a relationship that you aren't really intending to put there.
Ikenna: Man. And that's even not even stating the, the pressure of assuming that the spouse has to be the, uh, the provider of all of your needs.
like there's already this societal pressure for. For partners to be the like sole person that provides all of your needs, your support, your love, all of that. And like, and the fact that the, the expectation to like heal them to be like helping you heal through your past relationship. Uh, problems is like, that's just another, just ano whole another layer that makes it even more difficult.
Martin: Well, Susan, and I tend to think that in the past we had bigger families and you had all nine and it is very clear that when all nine are together, life is smoother, easier, much more relaxed, must much less stress. There's still,
Susan: it doesn't mean you're better understood by your parents. No but at least, at least you've been, uh, you've come into contact in a large family of, of more than nine or more people you have had close contact with all nine natural numbers.
Yeah. And there's all, there's no natural number out in the world. That's gonna be like, what's going on with that person. But if you think about it like today, our family is maybe 2, 3, 4, 5 people. We might only have connection with that many natural numbers. And if it repeats with our grandparents, we're not getting any diversity there in those smaller families.
So we get these pattern repeats in the family. For example, in our family, it's basically 1 8, 5, 7, you know, and a random six thrown in every now and then . But, um, so what that means is my family doesn't really understand three and nine very well, cause there's no three and nines in the family. And so that when I go out into the world, I might not know three and nine.
And so when I'm trying to work with people, I don't know what to do with them, because I've never had to figure out how to be with those numbers.
Martin: And in the past big families had lots of aunts and uncles. Yes. And aunts and uncles are those different natural numbers. You've got support from adults of each of those natural numbers.
Right. And that's what we're missing.
Susan: Yeah. We have one woman, her name's Sue she's a five and she got everybody. She's a huge family. And. She got everybody in her family, all of her aunts and uncles and nieces, nephews, children. She's the only five in the entire family of like 35 40 people. And that was huge for her because she realized she always felt really different.
Like nobody saw her, nobody understood her. She was absolutely right. Nobody in the family got her, you know, and wow. And that just, just the knowledge of that can provide that. She just is so relaxed as a result, it's like, oh, they didn't see me. Good. I wasn't off base. They didn't see her. And
Ikenna: yeah, cause you just wanna be you just like us as humans, we wanna connect and feel like there there's all.
Um, there's this concept of feel of, of being able to quote unquote fit in versus, uh, belonging, like truly belonging. And that is a thing that we struggle with because we're working through, like, what does it feel like to, to belong? And when people are constantly trying to, uh, like understand us through their own experiences only then it can cause a lot of strife in feeling like you don't belong in certain spaces.
Um, instead of people having this level of like, that's the cool thing as well, because with the body of nine. um, people who are understanding of that model, as well as you Susan and Martin having, um, this like curiosity for it. Like people can sense this beautiful openness, um, and curiosity in the fact that, you know, it's not like any number is better than the other.
It's just, all of them are different and we're acknowledging that. And every number has a different. Yeah.
Martin: And it's one of the reasons we love working with people is because people feel honored and seen perhaps for the first time mm-hmm . And it's really hard to feel that you fit in. If you don't know who you are, because your parents to some extent had a really tough time honoring you for who you are, as you said earlier.
If your parents,
Susan: it's not, cuz they don't love you. It's not cuz it didn't try.
Martin: We're not blaming. It's no blaming you. This is just something that we have to get over. Yeah. And, and I haven't met a parent yet when we said it's like, oh wow. I wish I've known. Yeah. Not, they're not doing it on purpose. Right.
Susan: and so it's, well, this is an interesting piece, right? Because we have our nature and we have our nurture and what's part of our nurture is our belief systems. And the beautiful thing about this work as well, is that it gives you the ability to observe from your nature into your belief systems. Because a lot of times our belief systems are unconscious.
They get instilled in us very, very young, and then they, they, they layer on top of each other and then they get reinforced from society, our family, teachers, everything. Right. And so this, this, this unchosen belief system. when we're in our late teens starts to drive our lives. And when it's not conscious.
So knowing your natural number, activates the soul level observer in your being. Hmm. And you can take a look at your behavior and say, oh, gee whiz, maybe I have value even if I'm not thin. May, maybe that's true. Right. Um, or, you know, all of the different things that we take on in, in our belief systems and then you have choice and that's, what's powerful, right?
Because if I can choose the belief systems that I wanna hold based off of my nature, my nurture, my life experience, then I can develop my own set of deeply self honoring. And self-loving. That then enable me to live the, my life the way I want to.
Martin: Yeah. We tend to use the term physio spiritual for people because we have a physical part and a spiritual part.
And once you are active, once your body's aware, it starts a process of connecting you internally to your physio spiritual nature. Mm-hmm and the there's as Susan said, once you can choose part of that choice is what is the universe guiding me towards and how do you get away from terrestrial peer pressure because peer pressure, peer peer pressure is once you know who you are once you know what your purpose is, once you are honored for who you are, it's really hard for someone else to tell you this is how you should be.
Right, because
Susan: that's very true.
Martin: There, there is no choice once you know who you are, you don't get to choose. Somebody else told you, they can say, this is who you are. And if it's not you, your body just says, Nope, not me. And so it removes the ability to control, right?
Susan: And, and, you know, shame, fear and disappointment.
And my, our view are the three emotions that are used mostly for control. So if I am instill shame in you you'll do something for me. If I, if I, uh, if I did, if you're afraid to disappoint me, you'll do something that I want you to do. If you are afraid, you'll do something I want you to do. Right. So just being aware of what oh, and how those emotions are triggered in our bodies and then how to get out of them is another beautiful part of this.
Right? So you have a simple physical thing that you do for Safrianna roll the shoulders back, drop the shoulder blades on the spine and breathe into your whole body and then fear will go outta your body. Fear is yep. That's exactly right. and if you don't do that, oh boy, you can hold on it really good. Mm-hmm um, and then for Ikenna it's if you lose your connected to source, you get can get stuck in the shame spiral.
So fast. Because you measure against source and everything, nothing stands up to source unless you are connected to it. Yep. And to know that about yourself, it's like, oh, okay. That's normal for me. And, and Safrianna's not gonna do that, just not doesn't even think about that. What, well, what's she talking about? Not, not an issue.
I think that's. Go ahead.
Ikenna: Yeah, no, I think that that's the, the, the phrase that's normal for me needs to be like a new, a new phrase for the world because the world tries to place normalcy in one category. And if you aren't that one thing, then you are weird, uh, in a, in the bad sense of weird you are, um, you know, abnormal, you are outcast, you are all of those things.
And it's just like, if we can just accept what is normal for us, and we don't have to explain ourselves, like there's so many times, like I could, we could list off all the different types of examples that we've done in. Uh, past podcasts of like, um, why do we have to out ourselves in terms of like our trauma of like, no, I, based off of my preferences or, or my own body needs, I don't want you to slam the door or I, you know, I want you to talk quieter or like, these are the things that I need for my body's sake.
And then people are like, well, why. Do you have a diagnosis of something for me to validate that? And it's like, no, can we just instead just respect people's. Like their own normalcy, like yeah.
Safrianna: And that, that version of societal norm normalcy too, isn't any of the natural numbers. It's almost like this, this zero, right.
This zero where no one,
Susan: the anti natural number. It's like, yeah, no, you can't the gift you offer doesn't have value. In fact, we're gonna make it terrible that you offer that gift, you know, it's, it, it, it. And because your gift isn't the same as my gift. I'm not interested in your gift because I don't even know you're offering it.
Right. I don't understand what you're talking about. Zero and,
Martin: and for the people watching this as a videocast natural number one, and that's number nine, use their eyes very differently. We're five and six. We don't need eye contact at all, but Ikenna, if you don't get eye contact, you're not gonna be doing your job and people aren't gonna be experiencing the wonder and your gift of helping us move into this space of source.
So just understanding that people, some need eye contact and some don't, some are relationship focused, some aren't doesn't, no one is wrong right. In these thingss all.
Susan: And, and the, the gifts fit together. I mean, you take. Four fingers and put them in between the five. I mean, it fits, you know, and this is how the gifts fit together.
You, uh, it becomes a whole, and so everything gets easier. So you remind us Ikenna that we should respect each other and we should start with relationship. We should honor and treat everybody fairly and equally. And I rely on you to bring that. I have something else I'm supposed to do and I go fast and I'm loud and I'm powerful and sometimes I'm needed and sometimes you are needed.
Mm-hmm and when we dance together in a way that's aligned with all nine bringing their peace, then your job is needed. We've done that job. Everybody's connected. We're good to go. Okay. Now what's the next thing we're gonna do. We ask Susan that question. What are we gonna do next, Susan? And then we, we go to Safrianna and we all take a deep breath and expand our awareness of the universe and recognize that we're just a speck but a speck nonetheless of everything.
And the job is very big and
Martin: we can do it if we work together in harmony, right. Mm-hmm,
Susan: a lot easier than if we're pushing ping pong balls around hot air balloons, like six is tend to do from the nine perspective. And then we take it Martin. Martin's got a different version of a big picture. What do we know?
Martin: How do we explain what we know? How is it that I can help people grow into what it is they can grow into mm-hmm so each of the nine has something super special that they, they offer mm-hmm we all become more effective if we learn to activate the other natural numbers and also to understand. So if, uh, you know, for people are watching the video, Safrianna, the more she's paying attention, the less she looks like it.
I've started
Safrianna: telling my clients that I actually have started telling cuz my therapy clients they're like, is everything okay if I get real stony face? And then I'm like, no, this is actually a good sign. I'll say that now. So ,
Susan: It means I'm really paying attention and I'm processing and within the whole of everything.
Martin: Cause if I, if I look like I'm paying attention, you gotta . And so just that misunderstanding, whereas Ikenna you know, just as a slight lift in their chin, their throats are activated. Their eyes are soft. They're holding the connection here for us and everybody in the audience.
Ikenna: Yeah, for sure. And I mean, we're all doing our jobs.
Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, I think that's something that Safrianna and I definitely have started to pull in when we, when we start collaborating with other people, like, um, we're we were working on like our brand and we noticed that the person that we were working with had a different way of doing things than us, but we realized that that was needed because, you know, we were getting stuck in a cycle together in terms of how to, you know, really push our brand further.
So we needed a push. We needed someone that was diff like very different than us. And so we found someone that I don't, I don't think they know their natural number, but it would, we could tell that they were just a different wavelength than we're used to
Safrianna: as if driven by a motor. Really? Yeah. I wonder.
They match Susan. Yeah. that power that like drive that like emphasis and, and passion really describes this person.
Ikenna: So, yeah. And so it really helped push us and we wouldn't be where we are now without them. Um, compared to if. We found a person that was another one or another nine, we probably would be in a more stuck space.
Martin: Yep, absolutely. Potentially. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, Susan and I, we are really good at doing the identification because of our five and sixes, but we need all the other numbers before we can do most of what we do. Right.
Susan: And anything we do with our company, we try to, especially big decisions, directional decisions, messaging decisions.
We try to get all nine perspectives included,
Martin: which makes messaging hard because you need nine different ways of message.
Susan: But that's well, and that's where, where we realize that it's through partnering because you just partner with people of all nine natural numbers, and then you've got what you need because you're working together and then it makes a big difference.
Yeah. Cause there are nine ways of talking about anything, anything .
Safrianna: So as we kind of get to the end of our time here, I, I wanna throw it to both of you to really highlight how figuring out your natural numbers helped you step into your authenticity. Like how did learning this help you embrace who you really are?
Whichever of you wants to jump in on that first.
Susan: You want me to go first? Yeah, sure. I was in a very unhappy situation. I had three little kids and a drug alcoholic abuse, abusive husband, and, uh, pretty much made my life as hard as I possibly could in that scenario. But as I was coming out of it through a variety of different modalities, I had decided to become a life coach, just cuz I knew a lot about coaching life at that time.
But it was the beginning, right? It was the beginning. And I found out my natural number and it explained everything about me that I loved that nobody else understood or honored and explained all these powerful moments in my life where I had known something that was important. Uh, the experience of, I grew up in Europe, the experience of going into the cathedrals of, of Europe, they are containers for spiritual energy and one of the most powerful places I've ever been.
And my response to that was so different than my family. And I didn't understand why. So once I realized that what this was and how incredibly powerful I am, I get to start to love my power and also to learn to use it effectively instead of just in anger. Because up to that point, I was just shut yourself down, shut yourself down, shut yourself down, blow.
And that was the, that was kind of the sequence of my life. And I had no confidence in my own self and my own truth. So, you know, I went from a, a shell of a human, into a fully engaged, empowered person with a beautiful family. Quite a bit of happiness and fulfillment. And I had none of that 15 years ago
Martin: and I had a career in computers because literally I went to computers.
Cuz I knew how to turn them on and, I could turn them off. That's why I didn't hang around people . And as I, Susan identified me in 2007 and I started to grow into my purpose and understanding that. And when I was a burning man, one, we got a huge amount out of, of burning man. You know, there's all sorts of pros and cons of burning man, but it gave us huge gifts.
And one of the gifts for me was who did I wanna be? I wanted to be me. It gave us the gift of giving rather than transaction. It gave us the gift of choosing love instead of whatever else, one chooses. And it helped me grow into, okay, who did I wanna be? I wanted to do support the body of nine learn and take this out in the world.
I've had my Palm years, many times in the past. Well, you're a teacher of teachers and a teacher of healers. It's like, I'm a programmer. How does that work? But as it turns out, as time comes on, my job is to help people know there's a spiritual side to all this. it's to help people know that there is a there's hope, there's a way for us to evolve as human beings.
And my purpose goes, went from computer program. I'm sitting in my room, just program and not talking to people to loving being with people and helping the world change. So almost what we find and you guys may have found the same thing is that when we identify people, people get happier, they feel more in alignment.
And as it turns out, it's really hard not to move in alignment with yourself when you know who yourself is, bad, bad grammar, but the.
Susan: Right. And that's what we see is that, that, that this acknowledgement of the power of your nature and the re-accessing your nature without even working at it, you're, you will be more aligned from that point forward in your life.
If you never learn another thing, other than what your natural number is, it'll still happen. If you actually work on it to build your whole body's awareness of all nine natural numbers, we start to evolve into a much more cosmically, aware human with a level of understanding and tolerance and acceptance and joy and love.
Yeah. You know, and when I stand in front of people, people say, does it exhaust you to work with people all the time? We're like, no, cuz I only ever see the best. I only say see people's best. Yes, we have all this stuff on top. It's not so pleasant. The nature is whole within us.
Martin: And you said that, you know, it's work people that get their natural number, identify have had to be brave.
Yeah, exactly. Because it's gonna change your life.
Susan: You're gonna take it somewhere.
Martin: Yes. Even if you, you know yeah. The ability true, changing who you are starting on a fundamentally, slightly different path. For some people you have to be brave, but the rewards are just astounding. Mm-hmm . . Yeah.
Susan: And it's very empowering.
Martin: Oh yeah, yeah. That's yeah. We like what we do. We like the people we meet. I mean, it's, as Susan said, we, we meet awesome people all the time. Yeah. Mm-hmm because the people that want to change the world are drawn together. Mm-hmm and just as you guys, you know, we're all doing our part to make the world a better place.
And, you know, we love the people. We, we are meeting because we firmly believe we can help them.
Safrianna: Yeah. And I just love this layer of the physicality of things because as therapists, mental health therapist, But trauma informed mental health therapists. We know that the body component is essential in how we store our trauma and where we store our trauma and all of that.
And, you know, I'd be fascinated long term to see where that overlaps. You know, mental health and body of nine, cuz there's so much that, I mean, we could talk, I feel like we just need to do a series of,
Martin: we love to do that. I even tell we, we don't mind talking about this at all.
Susan: No. And you'll when you come in, uh, at end of September, you'll meet Paulo, he's a therapist also.
Been working with me, um, with this work for 20 years. And he's been, been through the somatic training and all these different kinds of things. And so he will probably be very interesting for you guys to talk to about how do you apply this in the realm of your therapy? Yeah. Cause it's very powerful.
Martin: There there's some indication and we don't have enough data research that knowing your natural number and working on this actually helps people recover from some of the trauma.
You need to do the work for sure.
Susan: Right. It's not as, it's not a panacea for people that have been traumatized. Right. But it is a way to recover more quickly. So going back to your body and having a specific thing that you do, it can also give you a lot of clues into, uh, why your triggers go the direction than they go.
Martin: Even numbers are much more body based than the odd numbers. All of us had a body. It's how we experience the world, of course, but an even number that it gets that all, all their input from their. If they're dissociate because of trauma, that makes it really hard to deal with the trauma, whereas an odd number still informed by the body, but is not as driven by the body's input.
So it's a little easier, but they do dissociate more. So it's a tough conversation.
Safrianna: yeah, well that, that trips well, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with us and talk about this because I mean, I get really, really nerdy and excited about archetype systems. And I think it's probably because as a nine, I enjoy a big picture that still organizes things.
Cuz good Lord. The swirl up there. Sometimes I'm just like give me some way to narrow this down. so I love archetype systems and this one has deeply resonated with me. And I definitely think changed my, my experience in life. So I can't wait to keep learning about it. And, um, Just really quickly, if you wouldn't mind, I know we're gonna link all of your, your things in the podcast descriptions and all over our socials.
But if somebody was wanting to, um, have their family identified, for example, um, what can they expect from that and how would they go? How about scheduling?
Susan: Well, because of the pandemic, we figured we used to do it all in person, but now we do it actually online, which is really, uh, opened it up for anybody.
But you can do an individual session, a couple session, a family session, or a group session. Um, those are the different ways you can join into events or create events for your, for your own community, where you can come together to find out your natural number. So we, we get on zoom just like this, and we ask you to do different physical things.
We tell you about the system. We tell you what we think your natural number is, what we see it to be. And then we talk to you about that to make sure that you understand, and it resonates. We want you to say, how did you know that about me? probably know me for two minutes, not, oh, maybe that's about right.
Yeah. Yeah. So it has to be that and you have to be happy at the end. If you're not happy at the end, we we're very uncomfortable.
Martin: And so is the place to start all these things. And as Susan said, we have the, the single individual couple and family, which is sort of more of a private, constrained.
And then the, the group sessions, which is pretty much who knows who's gonna turn up. So it really depends on what kind of experience you want to have, right?
Susan: Yeah. It's, you know, the group ones are great because they're less expensive and you get to see other people. And that, that juxtaposition is very informative.
Martin: And, but for couples and families that, uh, would prefer a better relationship with themselves, we can spend more time going into the dynamics of each of the numbers, because every pair of numbers, there's no pair of numbers that doesn't get on, but there's always a pair. There's always the positives and the less positives about any combination.
So relatively predictable, uh, perpetual problems, right. And certain with children, because the ability to predict what children are gonna need and how they're gonna respond in the future. I mean, that, that's unique to what we do. Yes.
Safrianna: So cool. Well, I absolutely want to support the success of body of nine.
We think you all are so fun and incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about what you do. And I admire that, so, yeah.
Ikenna: Amazing.
Susan: Well, I can't wait to meet you guys in person in
ride. It's gonna be good. it's your first plane ride. Yes. Just keep breathing. You'll be fine. don't hold your breath. I'll get you in. We'll just start you up with a bunch of drama. It'll be fine. Ugh. All. So we're gonna tune out here, boo. Ending. We're recording.