[00:00:00] Safrianna: Hello. Hello. Welcome back to another episode of Living Luna. We are excited to be back here for season two with our live guests, and today we are joined by Kristi Sullivan, who is a human design expert and she really uses human design to help people embrace their self-care. Stop overworking and start overflowing.
[00:00:25] And I'm so excited today cuz she's gonna help us dive a little bit into human design here so that you can get, uh, a real example of how it might apply to you in your life. So let's go ahead and bring Christie on. Welcome. Welcome.
[00:00:43] Kristi: Hi. Thanks for having me on. I'm so grateful to be here.
[00:00:48] Safrianna: Absolutely. So Kristi you have a lot of accolades.
[00:00:51] You're a published author, you have been like teaching human design and workshops and such and, and lots of different programs. So what else would you, if, if no one knew anything about you, what would be the most important things you'd tell them?
[00:01:06] Kristi: Hmm.
[00:01:08] I'm evolving. ,
[00:01:09] Safrianna: you're evolving. That's, that is important.
[00:01:12] Yeah.
[00:01:12] Kristi: Yeah. I have a background actually in like marketing and communications and started, uh, teaching yoga like 20 years ago. Um, but now I'm doing human design and it really lights me up. And so, um, that's what I love sharing and these days.
[00:01:29] Safrianna: That's awesome. And I just saw, there was an article that said like 2023 is the year of human design that it's like kind of gaining some traction.
[00:01:39] So if, if people didn't know anything about human design, how would you describe it to them?
[00:01:46] Kristi: So my. Basic way to describe it is that human design is your energy blueprint. It's how you're wired inside. Um, and this is, uh, related to your birthdate, so it doesn't change. And think of all the life experiences and.
[00:02:06] um, conditioning that you have and your programming that you've learned in this lifetime are sort of the layers on top of this core operating system that you have. So when you start to really, um, dive into what is this core, who you are, it's really fascinating and really kind of validates and opens your eyes to a lot.
[00:02:27] Safrianna: Yeah. So human design, I know, I know a little bit more about it than Ikenna does. Mm-hmm. , um, there's, there's sort of these main aspects of it, right? Like I know manifesting generator, generator, projector, reflector. Am I
[00:02:44] missing any there?
[00:02:46] Kristi: Um, there's five types. Five types. The predominant is called the generator. Um, and there's a subgroup, I would say of manifesting generator.
[00:02:54] That's how I describe it. The two of those together represent 70% of the population, so that's. The predominant type, what we call energy type. That's the first place that you usually start when you look at your chart. It's a category, but just know that, um, the two of you are manifesting generators, but you can have very different uniqueness and blueprints.
[00:03:17] Um, which I've never seen two the same. So except if you're twins. Um, and even that can be different. But anyway, um, the other categories or energy types. Projectors, they make up 20% of the population. Then manifestors are 9%. And then the reflectors are really rare. They're only 1%.
[00:03:39] Safrianna: Wow. Yeah.
[00:03:39] And reflectors, uh, I wished I was a reflector cuz I love moon stuff and reflectors have to do something with like lunar phases.
[00:03:47] Right?
[00:03:48] Kristi: Yeah, it's, uh, it's a little advanced and we, we don't have to go into it, but it's pretty interesting that they follow the lunar cycle if they're really kind of into their human design. And it helps guide them with things like decision making and how they're experiencing different energies. But, um, sometimes the reflector might be, um, the most confused because they have such openness in their energy blueprint.
[00:04:15] Um, the other types have some more, um, common things about them that help you understand how best to like operate in your energy. So, um, it's pretty eye-opening. Yeah.
[00:04:28] Safrianna: So if someone has. , you know, this, this curiosity, they're like, where do I start with human design? Like what, where do you suggest they start to go to try and learn about it?
[00:04:40] Aside from obviously go to Kristi and get yours, yourself, a full reading, but like, if they're just trying to dip their toe in and, and even understand the basics, like how does somebody start with something that's so complex?
[00:04:53] Kristi: It is complex. We call it a rabbit hole. Um, so I would first recommend and you can go online to a couple of different sites to look up your chart.
[00:05:03] Um, and from that you're gonna get this, um, chart and, uh, what's called a body graph that has a lot of different shapes and numbers. And symbols. And that's usually a good time to like contact somebody to say, you know, help me interpret this. Um, but if you're starting off and doing your own sort of, uh, self-study, uh, definitely look at your energy type, which we just talked about that category, and there's a lot of light that can be shed on sort of how do you naturally operate.
[00:05:32] Um, do you need to be. Taking a lot of breaks during the day, have flexibility in your day for downtime. Are you the type that actually has like the generator, um, kind of sustained life force workforce energy? And that just means like you need to be moving and doing the right kind of work that you love to keep that energy high.
[00:05:55] Um, and then from the energy strategy, the other key pieces if you're just beginning, is to look at your what's called authority. How you best make decisions in your body or how the body guides you in making decisions. And that's different for different energy types, it's different for different blueprints.
[00:06:14] Um, so it's unique to you. And another helpful area, um, besides, um, the energy type, the authority is also your strategy. How best to kind of operate on a day-to-day basis.
[00:06:28] Ikenna: I love that cuz it's like, Uh, it, the, there's like this push of like actually honoring and listening to your own, like uniqueness inside of your body, and a lot of times the world has, you know, been like, Nope, this is the norm.
[00:06:48] and if you aren't feeling this way, you're wrong. So, so the fact that like there's these different archetypes like human design that can provide like shed light onto and allow us to accept the uniqueness that we are and be able to validate the fact that we can listen to those signs in our bodies and not like disregard them or, you know, be upset that we have those needs compared to other people.
[00:07:17] Mm-hmm. . .
[00:07:18] Kristi: Yeah. When I discovered human design, I say the story that I was, um, trying to build a side business using typical formula of business building and network marketing where, you know, do this and, and you'll hopefully achieve this, um, dollar figure or goal. And I just found it wasn't working so easily.
[00:07:39] I was initiating, trying to make it. . And when I re recognize as a, as a generator, and if you're a manifesting generator like the two of you, this is key too, that instead of initiating and following that formula that most entrepreneurs are doing and the coaches are teaching, when you looked at how are you uniquely built?
[00:08:00] Well, generators are meant to respond. So what are opportunities and what are the right opportunities for you to respond to? There just is like this easier way for your business and life to flow when you're following this design and blueprint that that's you instead of a formula that everybody else is trying to follow.
[00:08:23] Safrianna: Yeah, and that response is so interesting because when I started to dive into my human design, I saw that. I'm supposed to respond. And I was like, wait a minute. I'm like the initiator, no wonder things aren't working for me. And I was trying to figure out what my offer was gonna be outside of my therapy space.
[00:08:43] And I signed up for a workshop and they're like, what offer are you gonna create? And just them saying what someone else saying, what offer are you gonna create? It was. I was like, oh, there it is. Because somebody asked me instead of me asking myself or me asking other people mm-hmm. , uh, so that I needed that like, authentic ability to respond to somebody else.
[00:09:03] And I think that that's like really important information for people to know how to tune in and get the answers or how to tune in and know when you know when to respond or when to initiate. And some people are supposed to, do different things based on their design. So be useful information for people to know.
[00:09:26] Mm-hmm. might make things go smoother.
[00:09:27] Kristi: Well, and as manifesting generators. Um, something unique about the two of you is you're both, you both have this creative stream and, um, it's a little bit like the manifestor type, right? So they'll get this download. and the difference is that the manifestor type, which is only 9%, they are here to initiate that meaning their energy is here to initiate.
[00:09:51] That's how their energy flows. When a manifesting generator or other type. Tried to do that initiation, we can do it, but in a way that we're, we're gonna have to work harder probably. We might feel burned out. We might think, why isn't this working? So with your creative downloads, what's imp interesting is if you actually wait for an outside sign to validate whether
[00:10:19] you know, somebody suddenly asks you for an offer and you're like, oh my God. I was just thinking about that. Um, when you said trying to figure it out, that's using our head to answer the how and what does it need to be and what does it look like when sometimes we have to allow the space for kind of the universe to line things up.
[00:10:41] So somebody suddenly asks you and you're like, yes, that offer is, is something I can give you. Um, and so that's then when you step forward and respond. Rather than trying to initiate and sell it to everybody before they've even asked for it. So, um, it's that outside sign from the universe that, you know, we, we talk about like, wow, this, I can't believe this happened.
[00:11:04] It was such, you know, coincidence or serendipity. And really that's the responding to the signs that Yep, that's what we're meant to be doing. Yeah.
[00:11:14] Ikenna: Oh, I feel that hardcore because it's, I mean, those are, those are the things that always shock me is like, I was, that wasn't like, it's almost like I have to take away the expectation and intention at the very beginning of it.
[00:11:28] Like once I get the sign and then I have the intention, then I can move forward with it. But it's like if I move into a project that I have, like maybe anxiously thought over myself to try to like gain control over the situation, then it's like, you know, I haven't necessarily received it and therefore I'm unaligned with those things.
[00:11:49] So it's pretty incredible once you have like that, it, it's like you have to have, you have to experience it to know when you're, when you're experiencing your, um, human design, uh,
[00:12:08] Kristi: aspects, that alignment. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, it, and it for, for a manifesting generator and generators, it's this feeling of satisfaction.
[00:12:17] Mm-hmm. , when you know, it's like lining up the, the right way or in a way that's more effortless and easy. Um, if not, it feels like frustration. And, uh, in the end we might feel even overwhelmed or burnout because we're initiating, really pushing and, and that really in this day and age is something we have to pay attention to.
[00:12:36] The other thing that manifesting generators also like to do is juggle multiple projects. Sometimes people will say, you know, maybe you heard this when you were younger. Like, just focus on one thing at a time. Well, the generator types and some of the others. One thing at a time is really our best way of moving forward.
[00:12:54] But for manifesting generators, they kind of move more quickly and like to variety of things to juggle .
[00:13:01] Safrianna: I mean, you're one too, so Hey, you can't give me .
[00:13:04] Ikenna: No, I was, I'm still, yeah. Called out.
[00:13:07] Safrianna: I mean, we have our business and then we have our podcast, then we have this, and we have that. Yeah. No, that's, that's really interesting.
[00:13:15] So manifesting generator, I guess, would be almost synonymous with like multi-passionate. Is that, would you say that's accurate? Like multiple people tend to be,
[00:13:25] Kristi: it's, it's a thread that's common. What I always say and, and like what I've been taught is also just be aware that. Not to have this as a label and generalization that applies to everyone, but typically, uh, the energy of a manifesting generator is that variety.
[00:13:44] And, um, you know, if you find yourself like sometimes switching gears and being like, well, I'm done with this. I wanna try that. Um, and again, you're responding, you know, it's natural that you might not fully finish something. Mm-hmm. . Um, because something else has caught your attention and you're responding to that instead.
[00:14:07] Safrianna: what is, are there strategies for manifesting generators to come back and finish their projects? , I guess is a good question.
[00:14:13] Kristi: Partner with a good generator. Who's gonna finish it for you!
[00:14:17] Safrianna: You know what's really funny? So my other partner is a generator. Uh,
[00:14:22] Ikenna: oh, well that makes a lot of sense.
[00:14:24] Safrianna: Yes. So we're the mani genis, and then my, uh, I don't know why I call them mani genis..
[00:14:28] It's, it's just a fun way to say that. I guess
[00:14:30] Ikenna: it's like a mani pedi.
[00:14:31] Safrianna: A mani pedi, um, . But yeah, he's a generator and he's like the focus. . Mm-hmm. . He, he definitely laid we'll, definitely
[00:14:40] us back in.
[00:14:40] Ikenna: Yeah. We'll start a project and he'll definitely be like, okay. Before we, I see you all are doing your thing now, and I'm gonna go finish this project over here.
[00:14:48] Safrianna: I'm gonna finish putting together this thing that you left on the floor in the middle of the living room over here.
[00:14:53] Kristi: Yep. Yeah. And, and you know, sometimes, like me, I'm a generator, pure generator, and they, I just feel like I wanna be organized. Like, I just wanna get this completely done. Um, one of the, you know, beautiful things though about generator types, both mani genis and generators, is that, um, we're really here, here to like be the.
[00:15:17] and to help the other types with like manifestors and even projectors who are here to share wisdom and insight. We're here to like be the ones who are, you know, task oriented and um, get assignments and projects. We kind of love that, like, oh yeah, cuz it's something to respond to. And as I say that it's also really important still that we do our self-care and get our rest.
[00:15:43] And especially like manifesting generators, they. Maybe run out of their, their battery kind of faster. And so throughout the day, having times for rest. Um, and both generator types need movement. So that's another key piece that helps you sleep better, um, so that your energy's actually used up. And don't get a second wind cuz that's actually not great for you.
[00:16:08] Safrianna: that's me
[00:16:08] at like nine 30 at night and I'm like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Please no .
[00:16:13] Ikenna: Yeah, I have restless leg at night if I haven't like moved enough that day.
[00:16:18] Kristi: Yeah. And the other, um, tidbit about a manifesting generator since um, I said we would do this mini reading would be that um, you have what's called the defined throat center.
[00:16:30] Human design, um, looks at the chakra system as part of, um, this overall blueprint and that defined throat center, um, is here to speak and to be a voice, and, um, to use it in a way that's, you know, powerful and purposeful. And if you're not moving, then sometimes that, um, energy will get lodged in the throat and potentially create some thyroid issues.
[00:16:56] So something to be aware. Aware of.
[00:17:00] Safrianna: Yeah. No, that tracks, that
[00:17:02] tracks . So yes,
[00:17:04] you mentioned this mini reading. So I'd, I'd love for you to kind of walk us through if you were working with a client one-on-one or a couple, uh, what would you go through with 'em? And we will absolutely be Guinea pigs here to showcase that process
[00:17:22] Kristi: Well.
[00:17:24] Normally, again, go through like those layers of the energy type and then the strategy for that energy type, whether you're a projector generator or um, manifestor and then looking at your authority. Um, the authority is the decision making place within the body that provides guidance. Um, so both of you have the sacral center, um, as your predominant, um, authority.
[00:17:52] Many generators have this, um, some have, uh, this, but other ways as well to kind of help with decision making. The sacral just means you have access to this like gut feeling. Um, and it's actually in a form of a response. Um, normally, uh, the example I give is when you listen or you observe kids, children who, when you ask them a question, they'll, they'll use kind of a grunting of.
[00:18:21] um, like, do you wanna do this Uhuh or do you wanna do that? Uhhuh , that's the sacral response. And generators have access to that unless they've conditioned themselves not to use that and to use the head. So that's something that we would talk about in a reading, which is how do you, like what do you do with this sacral authority?
[00:18:43] How do you best make decisions? How do you best respond to the right things and say, no. It's not something you should respond to . Um, so that authority is something you both share. You both have a similar, so ask each other Yes, no questions if you wanna help support the other in making a decision. . Yeah.
[00:19:01] Safrianna: When I learned my human design, that was actually one of the first things I started asking people to do is like, stop asking me giant open-ended questions, that get me in my head and start, cuz I, the, the perspective is so broad and just ask me a yes or no.
[00:19:18] Kristi: Yes. Yeah.
[00:19:18] Ikenna: Which is so interesting
[00:19:19] because as therapists, both of us have gone into grad school and grad school's like, oh.
[00:19:28] For clients, for every, you know, the way that you're going to get a client to talk and like process things better is if you ask open-ended questions all the time. Like, yes, you can do the yes or no questions occasionally, but they're like, do it sparingly or else, like, you're gonna stagnate the, the processing or the conversation.
[00:19:48] And it's like, however, That can be, I know that I have several clients that will get overwhelmed and I'm like, oh, that was too broad of a question.
[00:19:57] Safrianna: You know, that would be really interesting in therapy. Like if we could just say, Hey, if you know your birth time , please go pull your chart and let us know where you know, what your , what your authority is, because that may change the kind of questions that are asked.
[00:20:12] Yeah,
[00:20:14] Kristi: and even better, you could collaborate with a human design practitioner and I could do a reading for them with recording so that you could really help understand your, um, their, their energy and yeah, how to provide some more specialize, you know, therapy and Yes. And, and work with their energy.
[00:20:34] That's kind of cool.
[00:20:35] Safrianna: Yeah, and that's actually part of why I'm, I'm starting to move away from therapy towards like a coaching or a guide model because I want to be able to bring people in and, you know, there's some strange ethics in, in the therapy community or that collaboration piece, unless it's another medical professional is so, I guess, frowned upon and we're not supposed.
[00:20:55] I mean, it's basically, we can refer in that way and
[00:20:58] Ikenna: Right. It's basically we can say, Hey, I know these people who do these sort of readings if you want, if you are curious and want, and I trust this person, but sort of, but like you, but then we can't
[00:21:10] Safrianna: because that would break. That would potentially break confidentiality,
[00:21:13] Ikenna: but we can't.
[00:21:13] But I'm saying, but we can't talk to like Kristi and be like, Hey, how's the client that I just referred you to? Like, we wouldn't be able to say anything to each other.
[00:21:21] Safrianna: Yeah. So that's why I'm like, I want more of that collaboration. , you know, we work with, um, something called Body of Nine and Body of nine.
[00:21:30] It, I love this idea. Human design being the inner, like the inner, how did you say it? Like the hardware, the wire, the wiring. Mm-hmm. . Uh, because body of nine is like the physical. , the, the physical center of leadership on the outside in a way that impacts the inside. So it's like those two together. Like if, if we could just have every client ever get their body in nine and their human design, like it would just unpack their entire life.
[00:21:58] Yeah. And you know, Kristi, I'm wondering what, what you've seen in terms of this, but I know for me personally, when I learned my human. and my body number, my natural number, it was like my whole worldview shifted and everything started to open up for me. So I'm, I'm curious, like what do you see in your clients once they've learned their human design?
[00:22:18] What happens for them when they have that knowledge?
[00:22:21] Kristi: Mm-hmm. . Yeah, that's a great question. Um, , the first thing I typically see is people feel validated and they feel like seen and, and that on, on its own is important, I think, because I think when they, they're really hearing about themselves and seeing themselves.
[00:22:40] Um, but then if they're choosing to really experiment with this and, and who they are at this deeper level and giving themselves like the right self care. Great for them or, um, finding the right kind of work that's for them. I've seen people, um, grow their business. Um, one woman did a reading with me and she hit her first $10,000 month, like, because she stopped initiating as a generator.
[00:23:09] another, um, had launched this program and it, and really didn't get much traction, but then she stopped that initiating and for two weeks really watched what opportunities were out there and suddenly like somebody hired her for a job and then a couple people came in as a client. Not through her program, but it was really like, it was so unexpected, but it was because they shifted that energy.
[00:23:37] I've seen people also like do parenting in a different style when they, they understand not only their design, but also their children's. Mm-hmm. , better relationships, better communication, um, so it can help in a lot of areas of life. . And I also say that it takes time. It's not an overnight. So really when you even learned about your design, I think it takes time.
[00:24:00] They say technically like seven years because you're so sometimes conditioned that when you see yourself and who you are, it you still have these habits that pull you away from doing things in that unique way. You're still following the formula or what you were taught. So it takes some time, and that's why I also offer some support
[00:24:21] to people in a membership to, to do that deconditioning process.
[00:24:25] Ikenna: That's so interesting how there's this societal, uh, revolution of us all realizing that society has created these structures and expectations and many of us are trying to decondition ourselves from the societal concepts mm-hmm. that have caused us to not listen to ourselves or not
[00:24:58] understand, not allow ourselves to explore who we really are.
[00:25:02] Safrianna: Yeah. I mean, we talk about that in body of nine, like there's nine different physiological different types of people. Uh, but we joke, like we, I think we came up with this, that society has like a, a number zero and they want everybody to be that zero.
[00:25:16] And I imagine like with human design, we could just say like, society has this one blueprint that they want kind of everybody to fit, but everybody's blueprint is completely unique. I mean, we have lots of overlap. Do you, I'm curious, do you see that people, like couples that you work with often do overlap or are they usually different in terms of,
[00:25:36] Kristi: oh, it, it can be all over the place and people have said, oh, can you tell me, uh, if we're a good match?
[00:25:43] Well, in human design, it's not about whether you are a match, it's about understanding where there are similarities and where there are differences and using that information again, choose to make choices and honor each other for that uniqueness instead of thinking we have to compromise or, um, change one another.
[00:26:02] Um, and what's interesting is I do something also called a connection chart. And when you have a couple, you can actually put the two charts together and it almost creates, its new. . Like for example, um, when, uh, Safrianna I look at your chart, there are four of the nine energy centers defined. And Ikenna when yours has three defined, but when I put the two of you together, you've got seven out of the nine suddenly lit up.
[00:26:34] So what that means is that, um, and that doesn't mean it has to happen for other couples, but in this particular sit situation, your. , kind of electro magnetically. First of all, we're always attracted to people who complete. , the pieces of our design that we don't always, that are undefined, we call it, but you kind of light up each other in different ways, so every couple can do that.
[00:27:02] Um, yeah, and there's, there's so many, again, uniquenesses that you, yeah. Just never see two people the same, for sure.
[00:27:10] Safrianna: Gosh, how many sessions does it usually take you with a client to like completely unpack their design, like on every single layer?
[00:27:20] Kristi: I at least start with two sessions if you wanna go through most of the elements.
[00:27:25] Um, I would say from there it gets pretty advanced, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend diving all the way into the rabbit hole, so to speak, but to, to take it in layers. So if you, if you did one or two sessions, then you have to process that information and really, Study it more and, and get to know it more, which is what I do in like my membership group.
[00:27:49] And then from there we might go beyond that. Like I also can offer readings if you wanna focus on like your business or marketing or self-care. So then looking at that through the lens of your design and human design, um, in different areas, again, of, of lifestyle because. There's really so much to it, um, that I think, again, taking it in layers can really help your mind to process everything, especially when it may be information that you're just like, I don't, I don't get this, or, this is so new for me.
[00:28:23] And I, I don't, I usually do things that old conditioned way, so you gotta give yourself some time.
[00:28:28] Safrianna: Yeah. And I think that that's great advice to. not try to jump deep into the rabbit hole because it initially, even looking at your chart can seem kind of overwhelming. So I love your advice to really stick to those three main, like the big things, mm-hmm.
[00:28:45] and, and really look at that and allow that to integrate first before diving in. Because I could see people being like, oh my gosh. Like, that's, that's too much. But it's really those, those three core components open up a lot of information for people. A lot.
[00:29:02] Kristi: Yeah. Yeah. That strategy, uh, the energy and the authority, those key pieces they say in the system is what really can just help you align to who you are to feel like you're in flow. And what I'd say is when you're in that alignment, things do flow. You're feeling more abundant, your mindset is, um, more positive or more in alignment with, with who you are, who you want to be. Um, again, your communication is, is perhaps different. Your self-care, your, your health and wellness improves.
[00:29:37] It's like amazing the, the shifts that can happen just at the surface when. when you start at some of those basic elements. Yeah.
[00:29:46] Safrianna: So we always ask people this question, you kind of answered it a little bit already, but like how has human design helped you become your authentic self? .
[00:29:58] Kristi: Hmm. Well, I, I've called myself a personal development junkie or self-growth.
[00:30:03] I love, like, I always love learning or taking quizzes, learning about myself or, or, or seeing, you know, what does it mean to be a Libra? Or, um, when I studied disc, or even the engram, like just all those different pieces, human design, I got a whole different view of, and I think it compliments a lot of those other tools.
[00:30:24] Um, for me it just, it just got to a much deeper level and it was at a time in my life when I definitely was going through some transitions and in 2020 I actually left a marketing career and had this like, wide door open for what do I wanna do next? And I used human design, my design, and using my strategy and authority to help me.
[00:30:50] um, uncover what was my next steps, and it became a business teaching about human design. Um, I had an opportunity to speak. I had an opportunity to be in a book, a collaborative book, and so those things just unfolded. And so I really owe human design like the, the path I am on now and the business I have because I learned about myself and honored who I was.
[00:31:16] Safrianna: Yeah. What part of your own chart surprised you the most as you started to uncover that? Hmm.
[00:31:23] Kristi: That's a good question. . I have not gotten that.
[00:31:26] Safrianna: Can you tell I'm a therapist right now. ?
[00:31:29] Kristi: Well, off of the top of my head, my open head I would call it, cuz in human design I have an undefined head center. Um, it was just that fact that I did.
[00:31:41] I had a reason now not to initiate, and I had more of a reason to just like slow down and take in these opportunities and respond and, and to the ones that felt right for me. And so that piece, not initiating, but instead responded was not just a surprise, but like that really shifted things for me.
[00:32:03] Safrianna: I, yeah, I mean, I could see that being huge.
[00:32:05] What, so you're Ikenna's is also responding, mine's responding. Um, yes. And you, so are all, you said all generators are responding or are there some that are out of that?
[00:32:17] Kristi: No, all generators strategy is to respond. The manifestors are here to initiate, um, because when they get a download, it's sort of, They're launching right away.
[00:32:31] And if, if they, if they get held up, then that stifles their, their energy. Um, the other types, the reflector is here to really sample other energy and they follow the moon cycle. Um, again, that's the rare reflector, but the projectors who are 20% of the population are here to wait to be invited because they are really a wealth of.
[00:32:56] insight and guidance, and we need them with that information, but they wanna share it with, they need to share it with the people who need to hear it and, and that needs to be sort of an invitation to share. So 90% are still waiting versus the initiating.
[00:33:16] Ikenna: Yeah. What's the difference between Manifest? Okay, so you said Manifestors.
[00:33:23] generators, and then we are manifesting generators. .
[00:33:28] Kristi: Yeah. So it's, it's a little bit, what, what happens is you're a little bit of like the manifestor getting that creative flow, but it doesn't mean you initiate mm-hmm. . So it's a different, again, energy blueprint, makeup. Um, and uh, sometime maybe another episode we could talk about what's called quantum human design, which.
[00:33:49] Um, a different way of like relating to the names and such because it can sometimes be confusing. Um, . Just know that it's different. You're not a manifestor, you're just a manifesting generator. Manifesting generator.
[00:34:02] Safrianna: So in other words, we, when we get these downloads, we need to go put them in a notebook somewhere.
[00:34:07] And then when somebody says, do you have any ideas about X, Y, Z? We'll be like, oh, actually I do in my idea notebook .
[00:34:15] Kristi: Absolutely. And that's true because you're getting probably a lot of creative ideas and if you were really like move forward and think all of them are something you'd respond. , your plate would be full.
[00:34:27] You'd find yourself perhaps burned out, overwhelmed. And again, just the idea of like, um, listening to your guidance, you know, rather than the head thinking, this, this idea came in, I have to go, go and watch it. Um, it really can just, it can put you in a different flow state. .
[00:34:50] Safrianna: Yeah. So very, very valuable information for people to have, whether in business, in relationships, in like literally any area of life.
[00:34:59] And you know, I just wanna say having looked at human design and astrology, like I resonate a little bit more with human design, like on a deeper level than astrology. And I don't know if that's something that you see Kristi like do you get people who come in and have like had astrology readings, but the human design resonates?
[00:35:19] Kristi: So it's interesting because astrology is a key piece to human design, but you don't have to know astrology to look at your design and understand it. Um, I think of astrology as sort of like the life path that you have, and human design is the car that you're driving on that path. So it's more, in my opinion, like mechanical, like the astrology is about what's the energy out there and how are you responding to it versus the
[00:35:48] kinda working of who you are, like looking under the hood of the car and seeing that wiring, that's what human design is.
[00:35:53] Safrianna: Hmm, interesting. And then the external model of the car would be the, the body of nine. Whether it's a Ferrari or whatever. .
[00:36:01] Kristi: There you go.
[00:36:03] Safrianna: There we go.
[00:36:03] Kristi: Step car.
[00:36:05] Safrianna: I love it.
[00:36:06] So tell us a little bit, I know you've mentioned you have this, this membership community where people can get support from you and kind of like have that ongoing relationship.
[00:36:16] You obviously do one-on-one readings, couples readings, where you get into people's. And you have books. So tell us about your offers. What if people wanna work with you for human design or they wanna learn more? How can they work with you?
[00:36:30] Kristi: Uh, thank you for for letting me share that. And I do have this as the human design book.
[00:36:35] It's called Stop Overworking and Start Overflowing. And that's a collaboration that I led with 25 other human design authors. I also have five other books. I've been a part. , those are on my website. Um, and you can reach me through, uh, kristihsullivan.com or through my Facebook community page, which is Kristi's Human Design and Self-Care community,
[00:37:00] Safrianna: and we will have links to those.
[00:37:02] Great. so that people can easily access them. Yeah. But you know, is, this is just such a fascinating topic and obviously it's impossible to even get into the,
[00:37:13] Ikenna: the quantum . Oh
[00:37:15] Safrianna: gosh, yeah. The fact that you said something about quantum, I'm like, I'm a quantum creatrix. I like that term. Let's go. But it's, you know, this is a, this is an advanced system in, in many ways.
[00:37:25] Um,
[00:37:26] Ikenna: Feels like humans are complex or something, huh?
[00:37:28] Safrianna: Yeah. How about that? But is there anything else that you would really want our audience to know or understand about human design if they're like curious?
[00:37:39] Kristi: I think there's a lot of great podcasts out there too. Um, I'm not the only one teaching this, so I say that.
[00:37:45] I mean, if we're a fit, I'd love to, um, have somebody reach out. But I find there's a lot of great people out there, kinda like yoga teachers. Everyone has a different style. Um, but we're trying to teach the same basic info. And you know, the piece that I always leave behind is whether or not you do study human design or look at your own unique blueprint that it's important you do self-care. Self-care is one of the best ways to get, uh, your energy, you know, in the alignment. And that self-care is not just, you know, the external self-care, it's the internal too. What are you doing for your personal growth, for healing, for overcoming self-limiting beliefs?
[00:38:27] All the good inside stuff, right? And the outside stuff. So just do that self-care and, um, that'll help you flow through life. Yeah.
[00:38:37] Safrianna: And you know, thank you for speaking to that, Christie, about like finding the right fit because I, that's something that we tout in the therapy community too, and that's an interesting piece.
[00:38:48] Like coaching things like the, anything that you're working with someone, it needs to be the right fit. So who is an ideal fit for you, Kristi?
[00:38:58] Kristi: For human design.
[00:38:59] Safrianna: For human design for working with you. If someone's listening to our podcast, who's gonna know they're, they should reach out to you.
[00:39:06] Kristi: Well, if somebody like me feels like they're personal development junkie, somebody who really wants to not just learn about, um, some aspects, but really see how it applies in their life, um, I'm starting to work more with entrepreneurs to help them with their business because this helped me with my business.
[00:39:25] Um, so if you share, share a similar story to any of the ones that I shared. Um, and I do tend to work with a lot of women, but I think because women are sort of really always interested in, in, I wanna say self-improvement, but self evolution and knowing more about themselves, not necessarily having to improve, cuz we're all perfectly imperfect in who we are.
[00:39:50] Safrianna: Yes, we need, you know what men out there, we, we see you and, and you're, you're being called to do your personal work.
[00:39:58] Kristi: So they're coming around.
[00:39:59] Safrianna: Human design would be a great place to start with that cuz it can be technical and interesting and intricate and mm-hmm. give you a lot of steps to take.
[00:40:08] Ikenna: So, I mean, they like looking under the hoods of cars.
[00:40:10] So here we go. , look under the hood of your car, men.
[00:40:14] Safrianna: Yes. We're really generalizing right now. Yeah. But.
[00:40:19] Kristi: Definitely.
[00:40:20] Safrianna: So thank you so much for joining us, Kristi this is all like, I'm, I'm hoping that it's gonna give people some things to think about and obviously you said like some first steps are just pulling, googling, pulling your chart, kind of like looking at those, the energy, authority and energy, authority.
[00:40:39] What's the third one? Strategy. There we go. Yeah,
[00:40:43] Ikenna: I didn't know the words , right?
[00:40:44] Safrianna: I don't know it by heart yet, but that's why we have the expert here. Yep. And from there, either reach out to Kristi or do some more research to find the ideal fit. But this is 2023, the year of human design, so that's exciting.
[00:40:59] Ikenna: Mm-hmm. ,
[00:40:59] Kristi: thanks for having me.
[00:41:00] Safrianna: Absolutely. Alright, until next time. It's been a pleasure. And that's a wrap on this episode. Yeah. Bye bye for now.